I recently chaired the Social Media for Business conference, aka Soc Med
4 Biz if you want to get down with the kids. As well as chairing I joined in with
the live tweeting (#sm4bconf) and captured the tweets and presentations in
Storify; I donned my “googles” and spent the day fully immersed in social media.
The conference was well received by the audience of wide-eyed (rabbit in the
headlights) construction industry professionals, all wondering what this soc
med stuff is all about and if it is of any use in business or just another bandwagon. So much so that the organisers
are planning a second conference this autumn.
The aim here is for me to blog, what our American cousins call, the
takeaways. What were the practical and most useful outcomes of the conference that
I can just get on with. I do not profess to being a social media expert, rather
an enthusiastic user, so what I spout here is simple regurgitation of things that
the speakers said that made good sense to me and that I can remember.