Last week I presented at the Healthy Buildings 2015 Europe conference in Eindhoven. I was
excited about this gig because, in a former life as a Government researcher, I
used to attend this series of conferences. So I was particularly interested in learning how
the science of healthy buildings had progressed since I last attended in the late
It’s an academic conference and most of the presenters are
researchers from scientific institutions. I think it’s also fair to say that most
attendees had an engineering or physics background but I did find a couple of
fellow psychologists (who spoke my language) and I also spotted a token architect.
As a consequence, we were bombarded with complex statistics and even more complicated graphs; and
we were impressed by studies of 2,000, 4,000 and even 8,000 people observed
over several years. I admired that the researchers presented some very detailed
and rigorous scientific experiments which must have required many many hours of
diligent dedication.
But, and it’s a big but, there seemed to be few practical
conclusions or useful applications of the research. The research itself seemed
to be the end product. When conclusions were made they were quite safe, for
example “people should have access to openable windows” or “more air-conditioning is required”. In
terms of practicality and relevance, the presenters seemed less interested.
On a separate but related note, out of some 300 papers
submitted to the conference only three were on acoustics. The majority of
papers were on indoor air quality and thermal comfort, but surely noise is part
of the healthy building equation? Indeed noise is possibly the second biggest cause
of dissatisfaction in the workplace and possibly the biggest cause of reduced
worker performance. Undoubtedly, noise if the biggest challenge facing designers
of the modern office, but the issue is repeatedly ignored.
I love science and relish a good graph, but this is where I
get really nerdy. I found it all a bit two-dimensional; with most speakers presenting a simple
stimulus-response type of analysis. Most of the studies illustrated the impact
of an independent variable (shown on the X-axis or ordinate) such as temperature
on the dependent variable (shown on the Y-axis or abscissa) such as satisfaction.
Some relatively high and statistically significant correlations were shown but
even the high ones only accounted for up to 50% of the effect (variance). So,
the big question is what causes the other 50%+ effect?
That happens to be the question I was trying to answer (or
at least raise awareness of) in my own presentation. My focus was on noise, in particular
psychoacoustics. However, I was making the point that the measured independent
variable of sound level typically only accounts for 25% of the impact of noise
on dissatisfaction, and even less on distraction and performance. The bulk of
the impact is due to psychological factors including context, attitude,
perceived control and personality. More details on my thoughts can be found in
my recent report written on behalf of Ecophon.
Too often engineers, including acousticians, treat people as
inert inanimate objects that don’t interact with the environment or perceive and
interpret it in different ways. Whilst we continue to explore the impact of the
built environment in this simple way, I believe we will not find the solution to
resolving issues with noise or thermal comfort or privacy or space etc. These are
all psychophysical issues which are influenced more by the make-up of the
person being subjected to the stimulus than the stimulus itself.
I was impressed with the number of studies now looking at the
impact of the built environment on performance, rather than just dissatisfaction.
It was a little strange that the Japanese used Sudoku as a performance test.
Whilst this may be considered a game rather than a work task by many, it is nonetheless
a test of concentration or mental agility so I see the benefit of using it as a
simple performance metric. However, I am not a big fan laboratory type tasks
or indeed the artificial laboratory environments (office simulations) that most of these
studies take place in.
Oh, and much of the research presented was a follow-up, a
revisit or verification, to that presented back in the late 90s. I suppose there is
comfort in knowing I haven’t missed much, but we do need to move things on now.
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