I am carrying out some new and original research into the Psychology of Collaboration Spaces. The main
approach is an on-line survey which explores our personality types and our preferences
for spaces and other media to facilitate different types of interaction and collaboration.
The research builds on a literature review I carried out for Herman Miller last
year. The survey and subject of
collaboration have generated so much interest on LinkedIn that I
thought I would reiterate my earlier initial findings.
Firstly, I was surprised at the lack of studies on the
psychology of collaboration spaces. The existing research on collaboration
mostly focuses on how the make-up of teams affects their motivation and performance. What is made clear from these studies is that teams are ultimately
more effective (i.e. more creative, innovative and productive) if they are
comprised of a mixture of personality types. I have previously blogged on Personality & Communication discussing how
different personality types prefer to communicate and interact through different
media. So providing a range of tools and spaces to allow heterogeneous teams to
interact is fundamental to the collaborative process.